I originally learned juggling from a man named Wayne Campbell (no, not that one), who taught an evening juggling class on the premises of the Burlington County College. I was in high school at the time. Pretty much all the others in the class were middle-aged, but I went regularly for about three years. I learned the ropes up to juggling ५ balls, and passing clubs.
Since then, I've been almost continuously part of some juggling club, usually serving the club as president or faculty adviser. At UPenn, where I did my undergrad, I joined the Amorphous Jugglers. My juggling partner Mark and I went to work as juggling clowns at Hershey Park the following summer. When we returned we became copresidents of AJ. At grad school, my classmate Dan and I decided to start a juggling club. We discovered that there was a defunct juggling club in the books named "The Juggling Cult", but started a new one with the less creepy name "Jugglers Enriching Lives Like Yours". We had a delightful time passing clubs on the college green and met some fun people. JELLY later served as a talent pool for the local student circus which was created a few years later. Some JELLY alumni have become professional entertainers.
After grad school I lived in Bonn, Germany for a year. There are very serious technical jugglers in the area. Most don't bother to perform, but just enjoyed working on new patterns on the Hofgarten. I learned an incredible amount of technically interesting stuff there. I also got pretty good at conversational German. I brought German juggling to my next move, and was instated as the faculty adviser of the Purdue Juggling & Unicycling Club. This was a booming club that had lots of talent and did plenty of shows. Although the officers were technically the undergraduates, the alumni grad students really ran the show. PJUC was a great deal of fun and we invented a lot of cool stuff together.
Norman's University of Oklahoma didn't have a juggling club. So I coerced one of the math grad students, Shayna, to help me start the OU Impeccable Juggler's Association. This was an interesting endeavor because I got to teach a community of jugglers to do things "my way". Thus, certain things like ५ ball १-count (Starfish/Bowtie), which are obscure in the greater juggling community, are part of basic training at OUIJA. As part of my juggling recruitment, I joined Norman's Prairie Folk Circus. I made no secret of the fact that I mainly joined to get more people juggling, and that plan worked out rather nicely. It was also a cool performance venue, with lots of parades and carousing with fun folks who were not hippies.
This brings us to India. It is more difficult here than in the U.S. to search for juggling clubs on the internet. Things are done more through word of mouth, it seems. So...there might be jugglers in the area, but I can't tell. And probably I'd want to know some Hindi before I start nosing around the Mumbai Circus, if I ever find it. Anyway I think it is quite natural for a juggling scene to arise here. Most days apart from monsoon season seem like good weather for juggling, and folks hang out outside together much more than in the States. The culture of yoga asanas is not so different from that of juggling patterns. And did you know that the modern "juggling club" was inspired by the heavier "Indian club"? (Yes, I'm using two different meanings of the word "club" throughout this post.)
After Frank left, I started hanging out more with fellow expatriates Gerald and his wife Caitlin. Gerald is a terrific Austrian mathematician and you should totally hire him. Caitlin is a Musician At Large from Canada who spends her workday composing an opera. She's also the only person around who intuitively understands my accent. I referred them to this blog and so they found out I wanted to start a juggling club and, well Caitlin and I started the Banyan Tree Jugglers. I have this odd feeling that I cheated a little bit from a literary standpoint, since the existence of the blog itself has affected this later chapter of the blog. But I digress.
Here is how you can start a juggling club. You simply find someone else who agrees to hang out with you outside for an hour juggling on a regular basis. Next, you tell people you meet that "there is a juggling club" that meets at such-and-such a time. When they express interest, you put them on an e-mail list, and send them reminders of when the club meets. This is also how OUIJA got started. Now I was warned before coming here that gossip spreads very quickly at TIFR, and I figured I could use that to beef up my juggling club. Oh, and I did a little juggling demonstration for some professor's kids. They made a little party out of it and it was good times. More importantly, it got the word out.
As the name suggests, we meet under a huge banyan tree in the housing complex. Take a look.
Right now there are about ५ regulars, mostly math grad students. I'm in a position where I pretend to be a juggling guru. I'm inventing lots of little exercises to ease their way into the three ball cascade. JYoga pedagogy now has "juggling bandhas" ("bandha" is a yoga turn meaning something like "lock"): elbow bandha, plane bandha, over-your-head bandha, hands-down bandha, .... I'm trying to learn the Hindi for these. I am certainly training them for eventual JYoga as well, something I haven't done much of at the other clubs, since it hadn't been invented yet. Of course we're also doing partner juggling, tricks, and all that.
Caitlin and Vaibhav |
Anand and Shiv |
Hey! This Sunday I'm doing "Juggler's Extravaganza" for the "Homi Bhabha Day" celebration. Stay tuned.